4月6日,CGTN国际电台专访DAHON折叠自行车,并采访了大行集团董事长——韩德玮博士,他表示“疫情下,大行位于深圳的生产工厂和所有企业一样遭受了沉重的打击,但得益于大行领先的开发技术和过硬的产品质量 和一众线上线下的工作人员的努力,3月份的销售量已经在逐渐恢复预期水平,甚至比去年同期更高。”

CGTN 专访 DAHON 折叠自行车 :坚信风雨过后是彩虹

CGTN 专访 DAHON 折叠自行车 :坚信风雨过后是彩虹

以下是CGTN 报道:

Coronavirus Pandemic:Leading bicycle manufacturer suffers losses whilealso seeing positive growth.


From foreign trade tomanufacturing, industries across the globe are being hit hard by the COVID-19pandemic. This also include niche markets like bicycle manufacturing. CGTN'sOmar Khan caught up with one American industry leader to hear how they'veweathered the storm.

从外贸到制造业,COVID-19大流行严重打击了全球各行各业。当中还包括自行车制造等盈利市场。CGTN的Omar Khan联系上了一位美国的行业领袖,以了解他们如何度过难关。

Here at this folding-bike factoryin southern China's Guangdong Province, assembly line staff are back to work.The factory belongs to Dahon, a global leader in folding-bike technology,headquartered in California. And much like many other factories and warehouses,the past three months have been difficult, though a recent recovery has broughtback a sense of stability.


TU ZHENGHUAI Production DeputyDirector, Dahon "Overall since work resumed and up until now, ourworkforce has been quite stable. The local and district committees carry outregular checks, and we also maintain strict requirements on preventioncontrols. It hasn't really affected our foreign and domestic orders, it hasn'thad a big impact on us."


With nearly 40 years ofexperience, and having become the world's top designer and producer of foldablebikes, Dahon has built up a sustainable business. But in the times of apandemic, it seems that no industry would be completely spared from theeconomic impacts.


DAVID TAK WEI HON Group CEO, Dahon"Well, almost all of China was locked down. So that includes oursuppliers, and ourselves. Nothing can be done, for more than 2 months, almostthree months. The factory beginning with half the staff, and then increasingnow to maybe 80 percent of the staff. So we are getting back to normal probablyby the end of next month."

韩德玮Dahon集团首席执行官:“如今, 几乎整个中国都被封锁了,这包括我们的供货商和我们自己。在过去超过两个月的时间里,甚至三个月里都无所作为。之前工厂只有一半的员工,现在陆续增加到80%的员工。因此,我们推算下个月底将彻底恢复正常。”

And on the financial side ofthings, the pains were felt as well, with the company suffering sizeablelosses.


DAVID TAK WEI HON Group CEO, Dahon"I think we suffered, between everything, maybe ten, fifteen million RMB."


But even despite operational andfinancial obstacles, Dahon has seen an overwhelmingly positive rebound. It'sperhaps a credit to their ability to set industry standards and develop cuttingedge technology.


DAVID TAK WEI HON Group CEO, Dahon"Our business has picked up a lot in the month of March. So, especially inonline sales. More than 50 percent. Offline we are still higher than last yearsame period."


Maintaining a positive yetrealistic outlook is something Hon says he'll keep doing. And, there's a lot tolook forward to. In recent years the company has developed partnership programsthat have enabled other manufacturers to co-brand, share patented technologyand work in tandem. But before all of that gets back on track, getting throughthe current situation remains the top priority.


Omar Khan, CGTN, Shenzhen.